A play about the schitzophrenia of the modern consumerist society
Premiered January 16th 2009, Flying Fish Production, London
Translated and directed by Jelena Curcic
Written by Milan Markovic
‘Well, there are these moments in life different from other moments, when a rabbit…or a man…becomes conscious on a higher, or rather- deeper level. Moments when dimensions overlap…”
East London tour: Chisenhale Dance Space, The People Show Studios, Jamboree
Art/ Web/ Audio: Dave Dow
Set Design/ Video: Cherry Truluck
Costume Design: Morag McGuire
Lighting Design: Selwyn Leamy
Light and Sound Operator: Ryan Harding
Peter Dancer: Mr Rabbit
Derek Arnold: Jovan/ Teddy
Alex Barson: Mira/ Foxy
Padraig Hyland: Doctor/ Number One
Dot Smith: Mum/ Woman
David Stratful: Dad/ Petar
Janine Johnson: Boss/ Number Two
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