18. brimer Luja Bonaparta

download: [pdf] Hegel primećuje negde da se sve velike svetskoistorijske činjenice i ličnosti pojavljuju takoreći dva puta. On je zaboravio da doda: jedanput kao tragedija, drugi put kao farsa. Kosidijer umesto Dantona, Luj Blan umesto Robespjera, Montanja od 1848. do 1851. umesto Montanje od 1793. do 1795, sinovac umesto strica. I ista karikatura u okolnostima Read more about 18. brimer Luja Bonaparta[…]

Esther Perel – Mating In Captivity

audiobook: [torrent]; ebook: [epub] [pdf] Developed originally from an article she wrote on „erotic intelligence,“ psychotherapist Perel’s first book sets forth a thesis for today’s couples that is as revelatory as it is straightforward. Languishing desire in a relationship actually results from all the factors people look for in love and marriage: grounding, meaning, continuity. Read more about Esther Perel – Mating In Captivity[…]

He Proclaims Uhuru – Brenda McNary

Understanding Caliban as a Speaking Subject Revising William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Aimé Césaire wrote A Tempest as a proclamation of resistance to European cultural dominance—a project to “de-mythify” Shakespeare’s canonical text. In A Tempest, Caliban attempts to authorize his own freedom by speaking it, positioning speech as a tool to empower the colonized. By placing Read more about He Proclaims Uhuru – Brenda McNary[…]

A tempest – Aimé Césaire

Une Tempête („A tempest“) is a 1969 play by Aimé Césaire. It is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s The Tempest from a postcolonial perspective. The play was first performed at the Festival d’Hammamet in Tunisia under the direction of Jean-Marie Serreau. It later played in Avignon and Paris. Césaire uses all of the characters from Shakespeare’s Read more about A tempest – Aimé Césaire[…]