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Društvo – Blog?

A love letter to Palestine, written for German audience

Čitano pre izvođenja predstave „Cement Beograd“ u pozorištu Maksim Gorki, u Berlinu. In July 2011, I traveled to Bosnia with a couple of friends to attend the memorial of the Srebrenica massacre. Among the 500 of us walking 60km to Potočani there were also people caring “scary” black flags with Arabic letters and singing Islamic Read more about A love letter to Palestine, written for German audience[…]

O ljubavi i klasi

tekst za program predstave “Ljubavnice“ (Slovensko mladinsko gledališče 2022.) u režiji Nine Ramšak Marković Roman Elfride Jelinek je brutalna, hladna i u isto vreme izuzetno duhovita intersekcionalna analiza klasnih i rodnih odnosa u društvu srednje Evrope sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka. Svakako nije u pitanju prvi niti najpoznatiji roman koji za junakinje uzima žene sa društvene Read more about O ljubavi i klasi[…]

Mi smo novi punk

tekst za program predstave „Alarmi!“, po tekstu Emanuela Aldrovandija, režija Nina Ramšak, premijera 17. maj 2019. SLG Celje Goebbels kept telling his film people: „Don’t come to me with political material“ because all political films have turned out so dreadfully. He even banned the Horst Wessel film and „Hitlerjunge Quex“ and all these political films Read more about Mi smo novi punk[…]

Stuart Hall: Gramsci and Us (1987)

This is not a comprehensive exposition of the ideas of Antonio Gramsci, nor a systematic account of the political situation in Britain today. It is an attempt to ‘think aloud’ about some of the perplexing dilemmas facing the Left, in the light of – from the perspective of – Gramsci’s work. I do not claim that, in any simple way, Gramsci ‘has the answers’ or ‘holds the key’ to our present troubles. I do believe that we must ‘think’ our problems in a Gramscian way – which is different. We mustn’t use Gramsci (as we have for so long abused Marx) like an Old Testament prophet who, at the correct moment, will offer us the consoling and appropriate quotation. We can’t pluck up this ‘Sardinian’ from his specific and unique political formation, beam him down at the end of the 20th century, and ask him to solve our problems for us: especially since the whole thrust of his thinking was to refuse this easy transfer of generalisations from one conjuncture, nation or epoch to another. […]

U ime neodogovornosti

Objavljeno u Delu 16. juna 2016. Tekst je pisan kao odgovor na tekst Ženje Leiler „Mi gledališki mrliči“, objavljen u Delu 2. juna godine. Odgovaranje na kritike je (kao što znamo) najčešće pogrešan postupak, naročito ako je motiv povređena sujeta ili defanzivna želja da se „objasni“ nešto što kritičar u viđenju autora nije razumeo. Tekst  Ženje Leiler međutim postavlja neka veoma bitna pitanja za našu kulturnu scenu, kao i nekoliko teza za koje, makar i ne bile tako nove, smatram da je bitno da se s vremena na vreme na njih osvrnemo.
